Rainwater management


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Rainwater management is essential for several important reasons related to environmental protection, public safety and sustainable development.

Here are some of the main reasons why stormwater management is essential:

1. Flood Prevention:

Proper rainwater management helps reduce the risk of flooding by preventing large quantities of rainwater from quickly accumulating in urban areas and watersheds. This protects property, infrastructure and the safety of residents.

2. Protection of water quality:

When rainwater runs off urban surfaces, it can cause pollution by carrying contaminants such as car oils, chemicals, trash and sediment. Proper rainwater management allows this water to be filtered and treated before it reaches waterways, thus preserving water quality.

3. Maintenance of aquatic ecosystems:

Uncontrolled rainwater runoff can disrupt aquatic ecosystems by causing rapid changes in flow and introducing pollutants. Proper rainwater management can preserve the health of rivers, lakes and wetlands, and the biodiversity that depends on them.

4. Reduced drinking water requirements:

Collecting and storing rainwater for later use, such as irrigating gardens, flushing toilets or washing vehicles, can reduce water demand drinking water, which is particularly important in drought-prone regions.

5. Improving urban resilience:

Effective rainwater management can help make cities more resilient to climate change by reducing flood risks, mitigating urban heat islands and promoting water infiltration. water in the ground, which recharges the water tables.

6. Compliance with environmental regulations:

Many areas have strict rainwater management regulations to protect the environment and water quality. Landlords, developers and local authorities must often comply with these regulations.

In our region it is obligatory, during construction or major renovations, to have to manage rainwater “on the plot”, either by a retention basin or by a retention/infiltration system.

PACA Environnement will support your project, from its preliminary study to installation work.
In summary, rainwater management is essential to minimize the negative impacts of precipitation on the environment, public safety, and community well-being. It aims to effectively manage the flow of rainwater in order to prevent flooding, protect water quality, maintain aquatic ecosystems, reduce the demand for drinking water and promote urban resilience.